Maureen Monte is the author of the incredible book Destination Unstoppable: The Journey of No Teammate Left Behind, one of our favorite books of 2016. She was also a participant in our first ever Way of Champions Conference in 2016, and will be joining us again in Princeton NJ June 2-4 for our next event. In her book, Maureen tells how she utilized her experience building strengths-based teams in the corporate world and helped to transform a talented but struggling Cranbrook-Kingswood High School hockey team into a state champion.  

Maureen builds winning teams by harnessing the untapped talent in the locker room and the conference room and aligning it with success, starting by using the Clifton Strengths Finder Assessment and teaching teammates how to understand and utilize everyone’s strengths instead of focusing on weaknesses. Her approach has been honed with over ten years of experience in large companies, tech startups, and sports teams – from San Francisco to Singapore.

Maureen believes there are three universal truths about teams:

  1. All teams struggle
  2. There is untapped talent on every team
  3. Most teams haven’t defined what success looks like

Those teams and companies that leverage every ounce of talent to overcome the struggle and align with success will win. That is where she comes in.
Education & Experience

  • BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering
  • MS in Leadership & Business Ethics
  • Gallup Certified StrengthsFinder and Entrepreneurial Profile Coach
  • Certified Emotional and Social Competency Coach (Emotional Intelligence)
  • 20+ years of success in Fortune 500 companies



Finding Maureen Monte:

Her website –

Her book –

On Twitter –

On Facebook –

Email Maureen – [email protected]


Show Notes:

4:45 How to use the StrengthsFinder tool for leading teams

9:15 Beyond Moneyball – What StrengthsFinder really measures for athletes

12:30 The 3 things Maureen believes about teams

16:30 The unlikely hero of her book – Destination Unstoppable

25:00 How much of a role the coach plays in her process

30:00 Maureen gives an example of a Culture of Responsibility

32:30 Are men and women athletic profiles the same?

38:45 Single best piece of advice about StrengthsFinder

43:30 Maureen talks about what the Way Of Champions Conference did for her

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