Your child gets that all important phone call offering a spot on the good select sports team in town. You want your child to sample multiple sports, so you ask about managing a two-sport schedule. The coach says, “we are no longer interested”. What would you do? Listen in to find out what Steve Boyle did…


Steve Boyle is the Chair of The National Association of Physical Literacy (NAPL) Advisory Board and Principal/Founder of 2-4-1 Sports, a national organization that brings physical literacy using sports sampling to children through camps, clinics. Recently recognized by the Aspen Institute’s Sport and Society Program as one of eight model programs in the United States in the original Project Play report, 2-4-1 Sports embodies their motto Life’s 2 Short 4 Just 1 Sport™.

Steve is widely recognized as the national leader in sport sampling and physical literacy. Steve’s philosophy focuses on lifelong wellness by recognizing the mind/body connection and the value of nutrition and mindfulness as it relates to physical literacy.  As a former Division 1 athlete born to Irish immigrants, Steve has taught and coached throughout the United States. His diverse background in teaching, working with children with cancer, athletic coaching, college advising, life-coaching and counseling makes him a highly sought after speaker and consultant.


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Show Notes

7:40 The start of 2-4-1 Sports

12:40 All Good Causes Start Grassroots: Just act locally.

16:55 The insanity of early recruiting

20:40 The need to bring sports back into the schools

31:10 “It’s 2:41”. At 2-4-1 they create Power of Moments at that exact time.

41:25 The National Association of Physical Literacy and the need for Physical Literacy in sport

Get in Touch

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @SteveBoyle241 @241Sports @NAPLUSA1

241 Website: 241 Sports

NAPL Website: National Association of Physical Literacy

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