Global School Play Day is an ad-hoc leadership team of educators inspired by Dr. Peter Gray’s research on the decline of play and the adverse psychological, emotional and physical effects this has had on children. They continue to be a shoestring operation, promoting almost entirely through Twitter, Facebook and occasional spots on educational podcasts. No fees are collected and GSPD is entirely free. In 2015 there were over 60K children who participated on six continents – this past year the number approached 400K!
For more information, please visit the website at
Highlights from the podcast with Global School Play Day:
Min 10: What is Global School Play Day?
Min 17: (Study) Associations between 24 hour movement behaviours and global cognition in US children: a cross-sectional observational study
Min 22: What happens when kids get bored?
Min 28: What do teachers think about taking a”day off’ to play?
Min 35: What Global School Play Day is and is not
Min 44: What Global School Play Day looks like
Min 50: The importance of allowing kids to manage their own conflicts
Resources and Links
Connect w/ The Global School Play Day 


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