In part III, I share perhaps the biggest realization I ever had as a coach; the best coaches do not know it all! In fact, they are the first to admit it, and they never stop learning, never stop asking questions, and always are looking for ways to improve. If you want to be a top coach, and a true leader, then start sitting in the front of the room, taking more notes, and admitting that you do not know it all. As soon as you think you do, you are toast!

Are you still learning? Are you taking advantage of the best people in your field, and asking them for their help, advice, and mentoring? If you are, you are well on your way to excellence in the coaching and leadership fields.

Please share some of your greatest leadership insights, so we all can benefit and as a community create better leaders for our children.
  [testimonial3 author=”John O’Sullivan is the author of Changing the Game: The Parents Guide to Raising Happy, High-Performing Athletes and Giving Youth Sports Back to Our Kids. He is a former collegiate and professional soccer player, and has spent the past two decades as a coach at the youth, high school, and college level. O’Sullivan speaks nationwide to coaches, parents, and young athletes about developing athletic excellence and leadership within positive sporting environments. He resides in Bend, Oregon with his family.” + pic=””][/testimonial3]


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